Landing Zone Creation

Creating a landing zone and uploading data into a project requires that sample sheets are available in the project and the corresponding iRODS collections have been created. For instructions on how to set up sample sheets for a SODAR project, see Metadata Recording and Importing and Creating Sheets.

Creating landing zones and uploading files is permitted to users with the project contributor access level or higher.

There is no limit on how many zones you can create and multiple simultaneous landing zones for a single assay are allowed.

Initially navigating to the Landing Zones app presents you a notification on no zones being available, with a Create Zone button on the right hand side.


Landing zone list with no zones

Clicking the button opens up the landing zone creation form, which allows you to set up and configure your new landing zone.


Landing zone creation form

The form contains the following fields:


The assay under which the files in this landing zone will be uploaded.

Title Suffix

Optional suffix for the landing zone title, mostly usable for differentiating between multiple zones.


Optional description for e.g. notes regarding the landing zone.

User Message

Optional message displayed to project users upon successful validation and upload of this zone. This can contain e.g. a description of the files uploaded.

Create Collections

If set true, this will automatically create the expected root level collections under the zone. This helps to e.g. assure the expected collection names for libraries and avoid errors such as typos. Creation is enabled by default. When moving files from the landing zone, empty collections will not be created in the sample repository.


Selection for special configurations of landing zones with extra features. In most use cases this should be left blank.

Once you have filled out the form, clicking Create will start the zone creation process and redirect you to the landing zone list, where you can see the zone status and move further with file uploads.

The next sections will provide instructions on browsing your landing zones and how to proceed with your file uploads.