API Examples

In this document we present examples of using SODAR via the REST API. It is possible to adapt these examples to automate activity via scripts, command line tools, notebooks or other external software. In these examples, we call the API using the Python requests package.

import requests

The rest of these examples assume you have access to an existing SODAR server. You also need contributor access or above to at least one existing category.

The examples show basic functionality with default options unless otherwise stated. For all parameters and options for requests, see the detailed API documentation of the relevant API endpoints.


To get started, you need to retrieve and set up certain variables for accssing the SODAR API:

# URL of your SODAR server
sodar_url = 'https://YOUR-URL-HERE'
# API token: create yourself a token in the API Tokens app
# Your user UUID: see the User Profile app for this value
user_uuid = '11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111'
api_token = 'YOUR-API-TOKEN-HERE'
# UUID for a category in which you have at least contributor access
category_uuid = '22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222'

# Headers for requests:
# Token authorization header (required)
auth_header = {'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(api_token)}
# Use core_headers for project management API endpoints
core_headers = {**auth_header, 'Accept': 'application/vnd.bihealth.sodar-core+json; version=0.13.4'}
# Use sodar_headers for sample sheet and landing zone API endpoints
sodar_headers = {**auth_header, 'Accept': 'application/vnd.bihealth.sodar+json; version=0.14.2'}


Providing accept headers is not explicitly required, but strongly recommended. Including the accept header helps ensure you are calling a version of the API which is compatible with your requests and returns expected results.

To ensure you can properly connect to SODAR, you can retrieve a list of categories and projects available to you with the following request:

url = sodar_url + '/project/api/list'
projects = requests.get(url, headers=core_headers).json()

Create Project

To create a project, issue a request as displayed in the following example. Response data for the request will contain the project UUID, which will be required for most subsequent operations you wish to perform on that project.

url = sodar_url + '/project/api/create'
data = {'title': 'New Project via API', 'type': 'PROJECT', 'parent': category_uuid, 'owner': user_uuid}
project = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=core_headers).json()
project_uuid = project['sodar_uuid']


Note the use of core_headers here, as the project management API comes from the SODAR Core package, which has its own API and versioning.

Assign a Member Role

If you need to provide access to the project to another user account, see the following example. A successful request returns details of the role assignment including its UUID for future updates.

other_user_uuid = '33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333'
url = sodar_url + '/project/api/roles/create/' + project_uuid
data = {'role': 'project contributor', 'user': other_user_uuid}
response_data = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=core_headers).json()
role_uuid = response_data.get('role_uuid')

Import Sample Sheet

The following example demonstrates how you can programmatically import an existing ISA-Tab into your project. The import API endpoint accepts both ZIP archives and individual files. In this example, we will be providing a ZIP archived ISA-Tab.

url = sodar_url + '/samplesheets/api/import/' + project_uuid
sheet_path = '/tmp/your_isa_tab.zip'
files = {'file': ('your_isa_tab.zip', open(sheet_path, 'rb'), 'application/zip')}
response = requests.post(url, files=files, headers=sodar_headers)

To ensure your import was successful, you can retrieve investigation information via the API. This also returns e.g. the UUIDs for studies and assays:

url = sodar_url + '/samplesheets/api/investigation/retrieve/' + project_uuid
inv_info = requests.get(url, headers=sodar_headers).json()

Export Sample Sheets

There are several ways to export sample sheets from SODAR. In this example, we export them as ISA-Tab TSV data wrapped in a JSON structure. This enables providing the TSV data to e.g. parsers for further editing.

url = sodar_url + '/samplesheets/api/export/json/' + project_uuid
response_data = requests.get(url, headers=sodar_headers).json()
# dict_keys(['investigation', 'studies', 'assays', 'date_modified'])

Edit and Replace Sample Sheets

At the moment, editing sample sheets via the REST API is done as follows:

  1. Export the ISA-Tab as JSON-wrapped TSV or Zip archive (see “Export Sample Sheets”).

  2. Edit the ISA-Tab TSV data with the tool of your choosing

  3. Replace ISA-Tab in iRODS by re-importing the TSV files into your project (see “Import Sample Sheets”).

If working on Python, we recommend using the AltamISA parser for editing and validating your ISA-Tab. Using AltamISA is beyond the scope of this manual. It is recommended to read further in the AltamISA documentation and go through the example of ISA-Tab processing included in its source code.

Upload Files via Landing Zones

To enable file uploads, you first have to create sample data repositories for your sample sheets in iRODS. This can be done as follows. The response returns the path to the sample repository collection in your project.

url = sodar_url + '/samplesheets/api/irods/collections/create/' + project_uuid
response = requests.post(url, headers=sodar_headers)
irods_path = response.json().get('path')

The API request below initiates the process for creating a landing zone. You will need to provide an assay UUID, which you can retrieve from the investigation information API endpoint as detailed above.

url = sodar_url + '/landingzones/api/create/' + project_uuid
data = {'assay': assay_uuid}
response = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=sodar_headers)
zone_uuid = response.json().get('sodar_uuid')

As with most landing zone operations, the landing zone creation process is asynchronous. You need to ensure the zone status has been changed to ACTIVE before proceeding with file uploads:

url = sodar_url + '/landingzones/api/retrieve/' + zone_uuid
response_data = requests.get(url, headers=sodar_headers).json()
if response_data.get('status') == 'ACTIVE':
    pass  # OK to proceed

At this point you can upload files using iRODS iCommands or file uploading scripts. After uploading, you can trigger the asynchronous validation and moving process as follows:

url = sodar_url + '/landingzones/api/submit/move/' + zone_uuid
response = requests.post(url, headers=sodar_headers)

Once the landing zone status is returned as MOVED, the landing zone files have been moved into the project sample data repository and the zone has been deleted.

url = sodar_url + '/landingzones/api/retrieve/' + zone_uuid
response_data = requests.get(url, headers=sodar_headers).json()
if response_data.get('status') == 'MOVED':
    pass  # Moving was successful