Landing Zones API

The REST API for landing zone operations is described in this document.

API Views

class landingzones.views_api.ZoneListAPIView(**kwargs)[source]

List the landing zones in a project.

If the user has rights to view all zones, every zone in the project will be listed. Otherwise only their own zones appear in the list. Also returns finished (meaning moved or deleted) zones if the “finished” parameter is set.

URL: /landingzones/api/list/{Project.sodar_uuid}?finished={integer}

Methods: GET


  • finished: Include finished zones if 1 (integer)

Returns: List of landing zone details (see ZoneRetrieveAPIView)

class landingzones.views_api.ZoneRetrieveAPIView(**kwargs)[source]

Retrieve the details of a landing zone.

URL: /landingzones/api/retrieve/{LandingZone.sodar_uuid}

Methods: GET


  • assay: Assay UUID (string)

  • config_data: Data for special configuration (dict)

  • configuration: Special configuration name (string)

  • date_modified: Last modification date of the zone (string)

  • description: Landing zone description (string)

  • user_message: Message displayed to users on successful moving of zone (string)

  • irods_path: Full iRODS path to the landing zone (string)

  • project: Project UUID (string)

  • sodar_uuid: Landing zone UUID (string)

  • status: Current status of the landing zone (string)

  • status_info: Detailed description of the landing zone status (string)

  • status_locked: Whether write access to the zone is currently locked (boolean)

  • title: Full title of the created landing zone (string)

  • user: User who owns the zone (dict)

class landingzones.views_api.ZoneCreateAPIView(**kwargs)[source]

Create a landing zone.

URL: /landingzones/api/create/{Project.sodar_uuid}

Methods: POST


  • assay: Assay UUID (string)

  • config_data: Data for special configuration (dict, optional)

  • configuration: Special configuration (string, optional)

  • description: Landing zone description (string, optional)

  • user_message: Message displayed to users on successful moving of zone (string, optional)

  • title: Suffix for the zone title (string, optional)

  • create_colls: Create expected collections (boolean, optional)

  • restrict_colls: Restrict access to created collections (boolean, optional)

Returns: Landing zone details (see ZoneRetrieveAPIView)

class landingzones.views_api.ZoneUpdateAPIView(**kwargs)[source]

Update a landing zone description and user message.

URL: /landingzones/api/update/{LandingZone.sodar_uuid}

Methods: PATCH, PUT


  • description: Landing zone description (string, optional)

  • user_message: Message displayed to users on successful moving of zone (string, optional)

Returns: Landing zone details (see ZoneRetrieveAPIView)

class landingzones.views_api.ZoneSubmitDeleteAPIView(**kwargs)[source]

Initiate landing zone deletion.

Initiates an asynchronous operation. The zone status can be queried using ZoneRetrieveAPIView with the returned sodar_uuid.

URL: /landingzones/api/submit/delete/{LandingZone.sodar_uuid}

Methods: POST

class landingzones.views_api.ZoneSubmitMoveAPIView(**kwargs)[source]

Initiate landing zone validation and/or moving.

Initiates an asynchronous operation. The zone status can be queried using ZoneRetrieveAPIView with the returned sodar_uuid.

For validating data without moving it to the sample repository, this view should be called with submit/validate.

URL for Validation: /landingzones/api/submit/validate/{LandingZone.sodar_uuid}

URL for Moving: /landingzones/api/submit/move/{LandingZone.sodar_uuid}

Methods: POST


For accept header versioning, the following header is expected in the current SODAR version:

Accept: application/vnd.bihealth.sodar+json; version=0.14.2