Development Resources

This section provides general guidelines and resources on SODAR development.


The SODAR Django server is built on the SODAR Core framework. To get started with developing for SODAR, it is strongly recommend to get acquaintanced with the framework and its documentation.

Specifically, the development section of the SODAR Core documentation lists guidelines and resources for development. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, SODAR Core guidelines also apply to SODAR development. Reading this section is strongly recommended.

For a breakdown on which applications are imported from SODAR Core and which are native to SODAR, see SODAR App Development.

Hard-Coded App Imports

Generally, hard-coded imports between apps, with the exception of projectroles, are discouraged due to the dynamic nature of enabling and disabling SODAR Core apps. In the case of SODAR, direct imports from the samplesheets app in the landingzones app are considered acceptable, as the latter app would not exist without the former. The same is true for the study and assay sub-apps within samplesheets.

Vue App Unit Testing Hints

Hints for testing the Sample Sheets Vue.js app can be found below.

  • How to test Bootstrap-vue modals
    • Set :static="true" on modal

    • Use async () on test case

    • After to make sure modal renders, call waitNT() and waitRAF() from utils.js (taken from official bootstrap-vue tests)

  • Best way to test for disabled="disabled":
    • True: expect(wrapper.find('#id').attributes().disabled).toBe('disabled')

    • False: expect(wrapper.find('#id').attributes().disabled).toBe(undefined)

    • *.props().disabled MAY work if target is a vue component with the disabled property.. but not always!

  • How to update select option
    • await wrapper.find('#id').findAll('option').at(idx).setSelected()

    • Note: Will not work with bootstrap-vue select!

  • Testing @input event in bootstrap-vue elements
    • wrapper.setData({ vModel: 'value' })

    • wrapper.find('#id').vm.$emit('input')

  • Beware of using .not in your tests
    • If used on e.g. an attribute of an element, this may return true even if the element itself does not exist at all!

    • Better to check for the exact value of the attribute/property instead.