Source code for samplesheets.views_api

"""REST API views for the samplesheets app"""

import logging
import re

from irods.exception import CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND
from irods.models import DataObject

from django.conf import settings
from django.urls import reverse

from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.exceptions import (
from rest_framework.generics import (
from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny, IsAuthenticated
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.views import APIView

# Projectroles dependency
from projectroles.app_settings import AppSettingAPI
from projectroles.models import RemoteSite
from projectroles.plugins import get_backend_api
from projectroles.views_api import (
from projectroles.utils import build_secret

from import SampleSheetIO
from samplesheets.models import (
from samplesheets.rendering import SampleSheetTableBuilder
from samplesheets.serializers import (
from samplesheets.views import (

app_settings = AppSettingAPI()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
table_builder = SampleSheetTableBuilder()

MD5_RE = re.compile(r'([a-fA-F\d]{32})')
APP_NAME = 'samplesheets'
IRODS_QUERY_ERROR_MSG = 'Exception querying iRODS objects'
IRODS_REQUEST_EX_MSG = 'iRODS data request failed'
IRODS_TICKET_EX_MSG = 'iRODS access ticket failed'

# API Views --------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]class InvestigationRetrieveAPIView( SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, RetrieveAPIView ): """ Retrieve metadata of an investigation with its studies and assays. This view can be used to e.g. retrieve assay UUIDs for landing zone operations. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/investigation/retrieve/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Returns:** - ``archive_name``: Original archive name if imported from a zip (string) - ``comments``: Investigation comments (dict) - ``description``: Investigation description (string) - ``file_name``: Investigation file name (string) - ``identifier``: Locally unique investigation identifier (string) - ``irods_status``: Whether iRODS collections for the investigation have been created (boolean) - ``parser_version``: Version of altamISA used in importing (string) - ``project``: Project UUID (string) - ``sodar_uuid``: Investigation UUID (string) - ``studies``: Study and assay information (dict, using study UUID as key) - ``title``: Investigation title (string) """ lookup_field = 'project__sodar_uuid' permission_required = 'samplesheets.view_sheet' serializer_class = InvestigationSerializer
[docs]class IrodsCollsCreateAPIView( IrodsCollsCreateViewMixin, SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, APIView ): """ Create iRODS collections for a project. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/collections/create/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``POST`` **Returns:** - ``path``: Full iRODS path to the root of created collections (string) """ http_method_names = ['post'] permission_required = 'samplesheets.create_colls' def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """POST request for creating iRODS collections""" irods_backend = get_backend_api('omics_irods') ex_msg = 'Creating iRODS collections failed: ' investigation = Investigation.objects.filter( project__sodar_uuid=self.kwargs.get('project'), active=True ).first() if not investigation: raise ValidationError('{}Investigation not found'.format(ex_msg)) # TODO: TBD: Also allow updating? if investigation.irods_status: raise ValidationError( '{}iRODS collections already created'.format(ex_msg) ) try: self.create_colls(investigation, request) except Exception as ex: raise APIException('{}{}'.format(ex_msg, ex)) return Response( { 'detail': 'iRODS collections created', 'path': irods_backend.get_sample_path(investigation.project), }, status=status.HTTP_200_OK, )
[docs]class SheetISAExportAPIView( SheetISAExportMixin, SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, APIView ): """ Export sample sheets as ISA-Tab TSV files, either packed in a zip archive or wrapped in a JSON structure. **URL for zip export:** ``/samplesheets/api/export/zip/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **URL for JSON export:** ``/samplesheets/api/export/json/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` """ http_method_names = ['get'] permission_required = 'samplesheets.export_sheet' def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): project = self.get_project() investigation = Investigation.objects.filter( project=project, active=True ).first() if not investigation: raise NotFound() export_format = 'json' if self.request.get_full_path() == reverse( 'samplesheets:api_export_zip', kwargs={'project': project.sodar_uuid}, ): export_format = 'zip' try: return self.get_isa_export(project, request, export_format) except Exception as ex: raise APIException('Unable to export ISA-Tab: {}'.format(ex))
[docs]class SheetImportAPIView(SheetImportMixin, SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, APIView): """ Upload sample sheet as separate ISA-Tab TSV files or a zip archive. Will replace existing sheets if valid. The request should be in format of ``multipart/form-data``. Content type for each file must be provided. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/import/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``POST`` **Returns:** - ``detail``: Detail of project success (string) - ``sodar_warnings``: SODAR import issue warnings (list of srings, optional) """ http_method_names = ['post'] permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """Handle POST request for submitting""" project = self.get_project() if app_settings.get(APP_NAME, 'sheet_sync_enable', project): raise ValidationError( 'Sheet synchronization enabled in project: import not allowed' ) sheet_io = SampleSheetIO() old_inv = Investigation.objects.filter( project=project, active=True ).first() zip_file = None if len(request.FILES) == 0: raise ParseError('No files provided') # Zip file handling if len(request.FILES) == 1: file = request.FILES[next(iter(request.FILES))] try: zip_file = sheet_io.get_zip_file(file) except OSError as ex: raise ParseError('Failed to parse zip archive: {}'.format(ex)) isa_data = sheet_io.get_isa_from_zip(zip_file) # Multi-file handling else: try: isa_data = sheet_io.get_isa_from_files(request.FILES.values()) except Exception as ex: raise ParseError('Failed to parse TSV files: {}'.format(ex)) # Handle import action = 'replace' if old_inv else 'create' tl_event = self.add_tl_event(project=project, action=action) try: investigation = sheet_io.import_isa( isa_data=isa_data, project=project, archive_name=zip_file.filename if zip_file else None, user=request.user, replace=True if old_inv else False, replace_uuid=old_inv.sodar_uuid if old_inv else None, ) except Exception as ex: self.handle_import_exception(ex, tl_event, ui_mode=False) raise APIException(str(ex)) # Handle replace if old_inv: try: investigation = self.handle_replace( investigation=investigation, old_inv=old_inv, tl_event=tl_event, ) ex_msg = None except Exception as ex: ex_msg = str(ex) if ex_msg or not investigation: raise ParseError( 'Sample sheet replacing failed: {}'.format( ex_msg if ex_msg else 'See SODAR error log' ) ) if tl_event: tl_event.add_object( obj=investigation, label='investigation', name=investigation.title, ) # Finalize import isa_version = ( ISATab.objects.filter(investigation_uuid=investigation.sodar_uuid) .order_by('-date_created') .first() ) self.finalize_import( investigation=investigation, action=action, tl_event=tl_event, isa_version=isa_version, ) ret_data = { 'detail': 'Sample sheets {}d for project {}'.format( action, project.get_log_title() ) } no_plugin_assays = self.get_assays_without_plugins(investigation) if no_plugin_assays: ret_data['sodar_warnings'] = [ self.get_assay_plugin_warning(a) for a in no_plugin_assays ] return Response(ret_data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
[docs]class IrodsAccessTicketRetrieveAPIView( SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, RetrieveAPIView ): """ Retrieve an iRODS access ticket for a project. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/ticket/retrieve/{IrodsAccessTicket.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Returns** - ``path``: Full iRODS path (string) - ``label``: Text label for ticket (string, optional) - ``ticket``: Ticket string for accessing the path (string) - ``assay``: Assay UUID (string) - ``study``: Study UUID (string) - ``date_created``: Creation datetime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ) - ``date_expires``: Expiry datetime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ or null) - ``user``: User who created the request (SODARUserSerializer dict) - ``is_active``: Whether the request is currently active (boolean) - ``sodar_uuid``: IrodsAccessTicket UUID (string) """ lookup_field = 'sodar_uuid' lookup_url_kwarg = 'irodsaccessticket' permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsAccessTicketSerializer queryset_project_field = 'study__investigation__project'
[docs]class IrodsAccessTicketListAPIView(SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, ListAPIView): """ List iRODS access tickets for a project. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/ticket/list/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Query parameters:** - ``active`` (boolean, optional, default=false) **Returns:** List of ticket dicts, see ``IrodsAccessTicketRetrieveAPIView`` """ permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsAccessTicketSerializer def get_queryset(self): project = self.get_project() tickets = IrodsAccessTicket.objects.filter( study__investigation__project=project ) active = self.request.query_params.get('active', '0') active = bool(int(active)) if active: tickets = [t for t in tickets if t.is_active()] return tickets
[docs]class IrodsAccessTicketCreateAPIView( IrodsAccessTicketModifyMixin, SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, CreateAPIView ): """ Create an iRODS access ticket for a project. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/ticket/create/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``POST`` **Parameters:** - ``path``: Full iRODS path (string) - ``label``: Text label for ticket (string, optional) - ``date_expires``: Expiration date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, optional) **Returns:** Ticket dict, see ``IrodsAccessTicketRetrieveAPIView`` """ permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsAccessTicketSerializer def get_serializer_context(self): context = super().get_serializer_context() context['project'] = self.get_project() context['user'] = self.request.user return context def perform_create(self, serializer): """Override perform_create() to create IrodsAccessTicket""" irods_backend = get_backend_api('omics_irods') try: with irods_backend.get_session() as irods: ticket = irods_backend.issue_ticket( irods, 'read', serializer.validated_data.get('path'), ticket_str=build_secret(16), expiry_date=serializer.validated_data.get('date_expires'), ) except Exception as ex: raise ValidationError( '{} {}'.format('Creating ' + IRODS_TICKET_EX_MSG + ':', ex) ) serializer.validated_data['ticket'] = ticket.ticket # Create timeline event self.add_tl_event(serializer.instance, 'create') # Add app alerts to owners/delegates self.create_app_alerts(serializer.instance, 'create', self.request.user)
[docs]class IrodsAccessTicketUpdateAPIView( IrodsAccessTicketModifyMixin, SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, UpdateAPIView ): """ Update an iRODS access ticket for a project. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/ticket/update/{IrodsAccessTicket.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``PUT``, ``PATCH`` **Parameters:** - ``label``: Label (string) - ``date_expires``: Expiration date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, optional) **Returns:** Ticket dict, see ``IrodsAccessTicketRetrieveAPIView`` """ lookup_url_kwarg = 'irodsaccessticket' permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsAccessTicketSerializer queryset_project_field = 'study__investigation__project' def perform_update(self, serializer): """Override perform_update() to update IrodsAccessTicket""" if not set(serializer.initial_data) & {'label', 'date_expires'}: raise ValidationError(IRODS_TICKET_NO_UPDATE_FIELDS_MSG) # Add timeline event self.add_tl_event(serializer.instance, 'update') # Add app alerts to owners/delegates self.create_app_alerts(serializer.instance, 'update', self.request.user)
[docs]class IrodsAccessTicketDestroyAPIView( IrodsAccessTicketModifyMixin, SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, DestroyAPIView ): """ Delete an iRODS access ticket. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/ticket/delete/{IrodsAccessTicket.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``DELETE`` """ lookup_field = 'sodar_uuid' lookup_url_kwarg = 'irodsaccessticket' permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsAccessTicketSerializer queryset_project_field = 'study__investigation__project' def perform_destroy(self, instance): """Override perform_destroy() to delete IrodsAccessTicket""" irods_backend = get_backend_api('omics_irods') try: with irods_backend.get_session() as irods: irods_backend.delete_ticket(irods, instance.ticket) except Exception as ex: raise ValidationError( '{} {}'.format('Deleting ' + IRODS_TICKET_EX_MSG + ':', ex) ) instance.delete() # Create timeline event self.add_tl_event(instance, 'delete') # Add app alerts to owners/delegates self.create_app_alerts(instance, 'delete', self.request.user)
[docs]class IrodsDataRequestRetrieveAPIView( SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, RetrieveAPIView ): """ Retrieve a iRODS data request. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/request/retrieve/{IrodsDataRequest.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Returns:** - ``project``: Project UUID (string) - ``action``: Request action (string) - ``path``: iRODS path to object or collection (string) - ``target_path``: Target path (string, currently unused) - ``user``: User initiating request (dict) - ``status``: Request status (string) - ``status_info``: Request status info (string) - ``description``: Request description (string) - ``date_created``: Request creation date (datetime) - ``sodar_uuid``: Request UUID (string) """ lookup_field = 'sodar_uuid' lookup_url_kwarg = 'irodsdatarequest' permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsDataRequestSerializer
[docs]class IrodsDataRequestListAPIView(SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, ListAPIView): """ List the iRODS data requests for a project. If the requesting user is an owner, delegate or superuser, the view lists all requests with the status of ACTIVE or FAILED. If called as a contributor, returns the user's own requests regardless of the state. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/requests/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Returns:** List of iRODS data requests (list of dicts) """ permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsDataRequestSerializer def get_queryset(self): project = self.get_project() requests = IrodsDataRequest.objects.filter(project=project) # For superusers, owners and delegates, display requests from all users if self.request.user.is_superuser or project.is_owner_or_delegate( self.request.user ): return requests.filter( status__in=[ IRODS_REQUEST_STATUS_ACTIVE, IRODS_REQUEST_STATUS_FAILED, ] ) return requests.filter(user=self.request.user)
[docs]class IrodsDataRequestCreateAPIView( IrodsDataRequestModifyMixin, SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, CreateAPIView ): """ Create an iRODS delete request for a project. The request must point to a collection or data object within the sample data repository of the project. The user making the request must have the role of contributor or above in the project. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/request/create/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``POST`` **Parameters:** - ``path``: iRODS path to object or collection (string) - ``description``: Request description (string, optional) """ permission_required = 'samplesheets.edit_sheet' serializer_class = IrodsDataRequestSerializer def perform_create(self, serializer): # Create timeline event self.add_tl_event(serializer.instance, 'create') # Add app alerts to owners/delegates self.add_alerts_create(serializer.instance.project)
[docs]class IrodsDataRequestUpdateAPIView( IrodsDataRequestModifyMixin, SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, UpdateAPIView ): """ Update an iRODS data request for a project. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/request/update/{IrodsDataRequest.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``PUT``, ``PATCH`` **Parameters:** - ``path``: iRODS path to object or collection (string) - ``description``: Request description """ lookup_url_kwarg = 'irodsdatarequest' permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated] serializer_class = IrodsDataRequestSerializer def perform_update(self, serializer): if not self.has_irods_request_update_perms( self.request, serializer.instance ): raise PermissionDenied # Add timeline event self.add_tl_event(serializer.instance, 'update')
[docs]class IrodsDataRequestDestroyAPIView( IrodsDataRequestModifyMixin, SODARAPIGenericProjectMixin, DestroyAPIView ): """ Delete an iRODS data request object. This action only deletes the request object and is equvalent to cencelling the request. No associated iRODS collections or data objects will be deleted. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/request/delete/{IrodsDataRequest.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``DELETE`` """ lookup_url_kwarg = 'irodsdatarequest' permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated] serializer_class = IrodsDataRequestSerializer def perform_destroy(self, instance): if not self.has_irods_request_update_perms(self.request, instance): raise PermissionDenied instance.delete() # Add timeline event self.add_tl_event(instance, 'delete') # Handle project alerts self.handle_alerts_deactivate(instance)
[docs]class IrodsDataRequestAcceptAPIView( IrodsDataRequestModifyMixin, SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, APIView ): """ Accept an iRODS data request for a project. Accepting will delete the iRODS collection or data object targeted by the request. This action can not be undone. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/request/accept/{IrodsDataRequest.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``POST`` """ http_method_names = ['post'] permission_required = 'samplesheets.manage_sheet' def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """POST request for accepting an iRODS data request""" timeline = get_backend_api('timeline_backend') taskflow = get_backend_api('taskflow') app_alerts = get_backend_api('appalerts_backend') project = self.get_project() irods_request = IrodsDataRequest.objects.filter( sodar_uuid=self.kwargs.get('irodsdatarequest') ).first() try: self.accept_request( irods_request, project, self.request, timeline=timeline, taskflow=taskflow, app_alerts=app_alerts, ) except Exception as ex: raise ValidationError( '{} {}'.format('Accepting ' + IRODS_REQUEST_EX_MSG + ':', ex) ) return Response( {'detail': 'iRODS data request accepted'}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK )
[docs]class IrodsDataRequestRejectAPIView( IrodsDataRequestModifyMixin, SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, APIView ): """ Reject an iRODS data request for a project. This action will set the request status as rejected and keep the targeted iRODS collection or data object intact. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/irods/request/reject/{IrodsDataRequest.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``POST`` """ http_method_names = ['post'] permission_required = 'samplesheets.manage_sheet' def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """POST request for rejecting an iRODS data request""" timeline = get_backend_api('timeline_backend') app_alerts = get_backend_api('appalerts_backend') project = self.get_project() irods_request = IrodsDataRequest.objects.filter( sodar_uuid=self.kwargs.get('irodsdatarequest') ).first() try: self.reject_request( irods_request, project, self.request, timeline=timeline, app_alerts=app_alerts, ) except Exception as ex: raise APIException( '{} {}'.format('Rejecting ' + IRODS_REQUEST_EX_MSG + ':', ex) ) return Response( {'detail': 'iRODS data request rejected'}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK )
[docs]class SampleDataFileExistsAPIView(SODARAPIBaseMixin, APIView): """ Return status of data object existing in SODAR iRODS by MD5 checksum. Includes all projects in search regardless of user permissions. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/file/exists`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Parameters:** - ``checksum``: MD5 checksum (string) **Returns:** - ``detail``: String - ``status``: Boolean """ http_method_names = ['get'] permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,) def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not settings.ENABLE_IRODS: raise APIException('iRODS not enabled') irods_backend = get_backend_api('omics_irods') if not irods_backend: raise APIException('iRODS backend not enabled') c = request.query_params.get('checksum') if not c or not re.match(MD5_RE, c): raise ParseError('Invalid MD5 checksum: "{}"'.format(c)) ret = {'detail': 'File does not exist', 'status': False} sql = ( 'SELECT DISTINCT ON (data_id) data_name ' 'FROM r_data_main JOIN r_coll_main USING (coll_id) ' 'WHERE (coll_name LIKE \'%/{coll}\' ' 'OR coll_name LIKE \'%/{coll}/%\') ' 'AND r_data_main.data_checksum = \'{sum}\''.format( coll=settings.IRODS_SAMPLE_COLL, sum=c ) ) # print('QUERY: {}'.format(sql)) # DEBUG columns = [] try: with irods_backend.get_session() as irods: query = irods_backend.get_query(irods, sql, columns) try: results = query.get_results() if sum(1 for _ in results) > 0: ret['detail'] = 'File exists' ret['status'] = True except CAT_NO_ROWS_FOUND: pass # No results, this is OK except Exception as ex: logger.error( '{} iRODS query exception: {}'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ex ) ) raise APIException( 'iRODS query exception, please contact an admin if ' 'issue persists' ) finally: query.remove() except Exception as ex: return Response( {'detail': 'Unable to connect to iRODS: {}'.format(ex)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ) return Response(ret, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
[docs]class ProjectIrodsFileListAPIView(SODARAPIBaseProjectMixin, APIView): """ Return a list of files in the project sample data repository. **URL:** ``/samplesheets/api/file/list/{Project.sodar_uuid}`` **Methods:** ``GET`` **Returns:** - ``irods_data``: List of iRODS data objects (list of dicts) """ http_method_names = ['get'] permission_required = 'samplesheets.view_sheet' def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if not settings.ENABLE_IRODS: raise APIException('iRODS not enabled') irods_backend = get_backend_api('omics_irods') project = self.get_project() path = irods_backend.get_sample_path(project) try: with irods_backend.get_session() as irods: obj_list = irods_backend.get_objects(irods, path) except Exception as ex: return Response( {'detail': '{}: {}'.format(IRODS_QUERY_ERROR_MSG, ex)}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND, ) return Response({'irods_data': obj_list}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
# TODO: Temporary HACK, should be replaced by proper API view class RemoteSheetGetAPIView(APIView): """ Temporary API view for retrieving the sample sheet as JSON by a target site, either as rendered tables or the original ISA-Tab. """ permission_classes = (AllowAny,) # We check the secret in get()/post() def get(self, request, **kwargs): secret = kwargs['secret'] try: target_site = RemoteSite.objects.get( mode=SITE_MODE_TARGET, secret=secret ) except RemoteSite.DoesNotExist: return Response('Remote site not found, unauthorized', status=401) target_project = target_site.projects.filter( project_uuid=kwargs['project'] ).first() if ( not target_project or target_project.level != REMOTE_LEVEL_READ_ROLES ): return Response( 'No project access for remote site, unauthorized', status=401 ) try: investigation = Investigation.objects.get( project=target_project.get_project(), active=True ) except Investigation.DoesNotExist: return Response( 'No ISA investigation found for project', status=404 ) # All OK so far, return data isa = request.GET.get('isa') # Rendered tables if not isa or int(isa) != 1: ret = {'studies': {}} # Get/build study tables for study in investigation.studies.all(): try: tables = table_builder.get_study_tables(study) except Exception as ex: return Response(str(ex), status=500) ret['studies'][str(study.sodar_uuid)] = tables # Original ISA-Tab else: sheet_io = SampleSheetIO() try: ret = sheet_io.export_isa(investigation) except Exception as ex: return Response(str(ex), status=500) return Response(ret, status=200)